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Default editor shortcuts

Many of Godot Editor functions can be executed with keyboard shortcuts. This page lists functions which have associated shortcuts by default, but many others are available for customization in editor settings as well. To change keys associated with these and other actions navigate to Editor -> Editor Settings -> Shortcuts.

While some actions are universal, a lot of shortcuts are specific to individual tools. For this reason it is possible for some key combinations to be assigned to more than one function. The correct action will be performed depending on the context.


While Windows and Linux builds of the editor share most of the default settings, some shortcuts may differ for macOS version. This is done for better integration of the editor into macOS ecosystem. Users fluent with standard shortcuts on that OS should find Godot Editor's default key mapping intuitive.

General Editor Actions

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Open 2D EditorCtrl + F1Opt + 1editor/editor_2d
Open 3D EditorCtrl + F2Opt + 2editor/editor_3d
Open Script EditorCtrl + F3Opt + 3editor/editor_script
Search HelpF1Opt + Spaceeditor/editor_help
Distraction Free ModeCtrl + Shift + F11Cmd + Ctrl + Deditor/distraction_free_mode
Next tabCtrl + TabCmd + Tabeditor/next_tab
Previous tabCtrl + Shift + TabCmd + Shift + Tabeditor/prev_tab
Filter FilesCtrl + Alt + POpt + Cmd + Peditor/filter_files
Open SceneCtrl + OCmd + Oeditor/open_scene
Close SceneCtrl + Shift + WCmd + Shift + Weditor/close_scene
Reopen Closed SceneCtrl + Shift + TCmd + Shift + Teditor/reopen_closed_scene
Save SceneCtrl + SCmd + Seditor/save_scene
Save Scene AsCtrl + Shift + SCmd + Shift + Seditor/save_scene_as
Save All ScenesCtrl + Shift + Alt + SCmd + Shift + Opt + Seditor/save_all_scenes
Quick OpenShift + Alt + OShift + Opt + Oeditor/quick_open
Quick Open SceneCtrl + Shift + OCmd + Shift + Oeditor/quick_open_scene
Quick Open ScriptCtrl + Alt + OOpt + Cmd + Oeditor/quick_open_script
UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Zeditor/undo
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZCmd + Shift + Zeditor/redo
QuitCtrl + QCmd + Qeditor/file_quit
Quit to Project ListCtrl + Shift + QShift + Opt + Qeditor/quit_to_project_list
Take ScreenshotCtrl + F12Cmd + F12editor/take_screenshot
Toggle FullscreenShift + F11Cmd + Ctrl + Feditor/fullscreen_mode
PlayF5Cmd + Beditor/play
Pause SceneF7Cmd + Ctrl + Yeditor/pause_scene
StopF8Cmd + .editor/stop
Play SceneF6Cmd + Reditor/play_scene
Play Custom SceneCtrl + Shift + F5Cmd + Shift + Reditor/play_custom_scene
Expand Bottom PanelShift + F12Shift + F12editor/bottom_panel_expand

2D / Canvas Item Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Zoom InCtrl + =Cmd + =canvas_item_editor/zoom_plus
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -canvas_item_editor/zoom_minus
Zoom ResetCtrl + 0Cmd + 0canvas_item_editor/zoom_reset
Pan ViewSpaceSpacecanvas_item_editor/pan_view
Select ModeQQcanvas_item_editor/select_mode
Move ModeWWcanvas_item_editor/move_mode
Rotate ModeEEcanvas_item_editor/rotate_mode
Scale ModeSScanvas_item_editor/scale_mode
Ruler ModeRRcanvas_item_editor/ruler_mode
Use Smart SnapShift + SShift + Scanvas_item_editor/use_smart_snap
Use Grid SnapShift + GShift + Gcanvas_item_editor/use_grid_snap
Multiply grid step by 2Num *Num *canvas_item_editor/multiply_grid_step
Divide grid step by 2Num /Num /canvas_item_editor/divide_grid_step
Always Show GridGGcanvas_item_editor/show_grid
Show HelpersHHcanvas_item_editor/show_helpers
Show GuidesYYcanvas_item_editor/show_guides
Center SelectionFFcanvas_item_editor/center_selection
Frame SelectionShift + FShift + Fcanvas_item_editor/frame_selection
Preview Canvas ScaleCtrl + Shift + PCmd + Shift + Pcanvas_item_editor/preview_canvas_scale
Insert KeyInsInscanvas_item_editor/anim_insert_key
Insert Key (Existing Tracks)Ctrl + InsCmd + Inscanvas_item_editor/anim_insert_key_existing_tracks
Make Custom Bones from NodesCtrl + Shift + BCmd + Shift + Bcanvas_item_editor/skeleton_make_bones
Clear PoseShift + KShift + Kcanvas_item_editor/anim_clear_pose

3D / Spatial Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Toggle FreelookShift + FShift + Fspatial_editor/freelook_toggle
Freelook LeftAAspatial_editor/freelook_left
Freelook RightDDspatial_editor/freelook_right
Freelook ForwardWWspatial_editor/freelook_forward
Freelook BackwardsSSspatial_editor/freelook_backwards
Freelook UpEEspatial_editor/freelook_up
Freelook DownQQspatial_editor/freelook_down
Freelook Speed ModifierShiftShiftspatial_editor/freelook_speed_modifier
Freelook Slow ModifierAltOptspatial_editor/freelook_slow_modifier
Select ModeQQspatial_editor/tool_select
Move ModeWWspatial_editor/tool_move
Rotate ModeEEspatial_editor/tool_rotate
Scale ModeRRspatial_editor/tool_scale
Use Local SpaceTTspatial_editor/local_coords
Use SnapYYspatial_editor/snap
Snap Object to FloorPgDownPgDownspatial_editor/snap_to_floor
Top ViewNum 7Num 7spatial_editor/top_view
Bottom ViewAlt + Num 7Opt + Num 7spatial_editor/bottom_view
Front ViewNum 1Num 1spatial_editor/front_view
Rear ViewAlt + Num 1Opt + Num 1spatial_editor/rear_view
Right ViewNum 3Num 3spatial_editor/right_view
Left ViewAlt + Num 3Opt + Num 3spatial_editor/left_view
Switch Perspective/Orthogonal ViewNum 5Num 5spatial_editor/switch_perspective_orthogonal
Insert Animation KeyKKspatial_editor/insert_anim_key
Focus OriginOOspatial_editor/focus_origin
Focus SelectionFFspatial_editor/focus_selection
Align Transform with ViewCtrl + Alt + MOpt + Cmd + Mspatial_editor/align_transform_with_view
Align Rotation with ViewCtrl + Alt + FOpt + Cmd + Fspatial_editor/align_rotation_with_view
1 ViewportCtrl + 1Cmd + 1spatial_editor/1_viewport
2 ViewportsCtrl + 2Cmd + 2spatial_editor/2_viewports
2 Viewports (Alt)Ctrl + Alt + 2Opt + Cmd + 2spatial_editor/2_viewports_alt
3 ViewportsCtrl + 3Cmd + 3spatial_editor/3_viewports
3 Viewports (Alt)Ctrl + Alt + 3Opt + Cmd + 3spatial_editor/3_viewports_alt
4 ViewportsCtrl + 4Cmd + 4spatial_editor/4_viewports

Text Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
CutCtrl + XCmd + Xscript_text_editor/cut
CopyCtrl + CCmd + Cscript_text_editor/copy
PasteCtrl + VCmd + Vscript_text_editor/paste
Select AllCtrl + ACmd + Ascript_text_editor/select_all
FindCtrl + FCmd + Fscript_text_editor/find
Find NextF3Cmd + Gscript_text_editor/find_next
Find PreviousShift + F3Cmd + Shift + Gscript_text_editor/find_previous
Find in FilesCtrl + Shift + FCmd + Shift + Fscript_text_editor/find_in_files
ReplaceCtrl + ROpt + Cmd + Fscript_text_editor/replace
Replace in FilesCtrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + Rscript_text_editor/replace_in_files
UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Zscript_text_editor/undo
RedoCtrl + YCmd + Yscript_text_editor/redo
Move UpAlt + Up ArrowOpt + Up Arrowscript_text_editor/move_up
Move DownAlt + Down ArrowOpt + Down Arrowscript_text_editor/move_down
Delete LineCtrl + Shift + KCmd + Shift + Kscript_text_editor/delete_line
Toggle CommentCtrl + KCmd + Kscript_text_editor/toggle_comment
Fold/Unfold LineAlt + FCtrl + Cmd + Fscript_text_editor/toggle_fold_line
Duplicate LinesCtrl + Alt + Down ArrowCmd + Shift + Down Arrowscript_text_editor/duplicate_lines
Duplicate SelectionCtrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + Cscript_text_editor/duplicate_selection
Complete SymbolCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Spacescript_text_editor/complete_symbol
Evaluate SelectionCtrl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + Escript_text_editor/evaluate_selection
Trim Trailing WhitespaceCtrl + Alt + TOpt + Cmd + Tscript_text_editor/trim_trailing_whitespace
UppercaseShift + F4Shift + F4script_text_editor/convert_to_uppercase
LowercaseShift + F5Shift + F5script_text_editor/convert_to_lowercase
CapitalizeShift + F6Shift + F6script_text_editor/capitalize
Convert Indent to SpacesCtrl + Shift + YCmd + Shift + Yscript_text_editor/convert_indent_to_spaces
Convert Indent to TabsCtrl + Shift + ICmd + Shift + Iscript_text_editor/convert_indent_to_tabs
Auto IndentCtrl + ICmd + Iscript_text_editor/auto_indent
Toggle BookmarkCtrl + Alt + BOpt + Cmd + Bscript_text_editor/toggle_bookmark
Go to Next BookmarkCtrl + BCmd + Bscript_text_editor/goto_next_bookmark
Go to Previous BookmarkCtrl + Shift + BCmd + Shift + Bscript_text_editor/goto_previous_bookmark
Go to FunctionCtrl + Alt + FCtrl + Cmd + Jscript_text_editor/goto_function
Go to LineCtrl + LCmd + Lscript_text_editor/goto_line
Toggle BreakpointF9Cmd + Shift + Bscript_text_editor/toggle_breakpoint
Remove All BreakpointsCtrl + Shift + F9Cmd + Shift + F9script_text_editor/remove_all_breakpoints
Go to Next BreakpointCtrl + .Cmd + .script_text_editor/goto_next_breakpoint
Go to Previous BreakpointCtrl + ,Cmd + ,script_text_editor/goto_previous_breakpoint
Contextual HelpAlt + F1Opt + Shift + Spacescript_text_editor/contextual_help

Script Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
FindCtrl + FCmd + Fscript_editor/find
Find NextF3F3script_editor/find_next
Find PreviousShift + F3Shift + F3script_editor/find_previous
Find in FilesCtrl + Shift + FCmd + Shift + Fscript_editor/find_in_files
Move UpShift + Alt + Up ArrowShift + Opt + Up Arrowscript_editor/window_move_up
Move DownShift + Alt + Down ArrowShift + Opt + Down Arrowscript_editor/window_move_down
Next ScriptCtrl + Shift + .Cmd + Shift + .script_editor/next_script
Previous ScriptCtrl + Shift + ,Cmd + Shift + ,script_editor/prev_script
Reopen Closed ScriptCtrl + Shift + TCmd + Shift + Tscript_editor/reopen_closed_script
SaveCtrl + Alt + SOpt + Cmd + Sscript_editor/save
Save AllCtrl + Shift + Alt + SCmd + Shift + Opt + Sscript_editor/save_all
Soft Reload ScriptCtrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + Rscript_editor/reload_script_soft
History PreviousAlt + Left ArrowOpt + Left Arrowscript_editor/history_previous
History NextAlt + Right ArrowOpt + Right Arrowscript_editor/history_next
CloseCtrl + WCmd + Wscript_editor/close_file
RunCtrl + Shift + XCmd + Shift + Xscript_editor/run_file
Toggle Scripts Panel:kbd:Ctrl + :kbd:Cmd + script_editor/toggle_scripts_panel
Zoom InCtrl + =Cmd + =script_editor/zoom_in
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -script_editor/zoom_out
Reset ZoomCtrl + 0Cmd + 0script_editor/reset_zoom

Editor Output

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Copy SelectionCtrl + CCmd + Ceditor/copy_output
Clear OutputCtrl + Shift + KCmd + Shift + Keditor/clear_output


Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Step IntoF11F11debugger/step_into
Step OverF10F10debugger/step_over

File Dialog

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Go BackAlt + Left ArrowOpt + Left Arrowfile_dialog/go_back
Go ForwardAlt + Right ArrowOpt + Right Arrowfile_dialog/go_forward
Go UpAlt + Up ArrowOpt + Up Arrowfile_dialog/go_up
Toggle Hidden FilesCtrl + HCmd + Hfile_dialog/toggle_hidden_files
Toggle FavoriteAlt + FOpt + Ffile_dialog/toggle_favorite
Toggle ModeAlt + VOpt + Vfile_dialog/toggle_mode
Create FolderCtrl + NCmd + Nfile_dialog/create_folder
DeleteDelCmd + BkSpfile_dialog/delete
Focus PathCtrl + DCmd + Dfile_dialog/focus_path
Move Favorite UpCtrl + Up ArrowCmd + Up Arrowfile_dialog/move_favorite_up
Move Favorite DownCtrl + Down ArrowCmd + Down Arrowfile_dialog/move_favorite_down

FileSystem Dock

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Copy PathCtrl + CCmd + Cfilesystem_dock/copy_path
DuplicateCtrl + DCmd + Dfilesystem_dock/duplicate
DeleteDelCmd + BkSpfilesystem_dock/delete

Scene Tree Dock

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Add Child NodeCtrl + ACmd + Ascene_tree/add_child_node
Batch RenameCtrl + F2Cmd + F2scene_tree/batch_rename
Copy Node PathCtrl + Shift + CCmd + Shift + Cscene_tree/copy_node_path
DeleteDelCmd + BkSpscene_tree/delete
Force DeleteShift + DelShift + Delscene_tree/delete_no_confirm
DuplicateCtrl + DCmd + Dscene_tree/duplicate
Move UpCtrl + Up ArrowCmd + Up Arrowscene_tree/move_up
Move DownCtrl + Down ArrowCmd + Down Arrowscene_tree/move_down

Animation Track Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Duplicate SelectionCtrl + DCmd + Danimation_editor/duplicate_selection
Duplicate TransposedCtrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + Danimation_editor/duplicate_selection_transposed
Delete SelectionDelCmd + BkSpanimation_editor/delete_selection
Go to Next StepCtrl + Right ArrowCmd + Right Arrowanimation_editor/goto_next_step
Go to Previous StepCtrl + Left ArrowCmd + Left Arrowanimation_editor/goto_prev_step

Tile Map Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Cut SelectionCtrl + XCmd + Xtiles_editor/cut
Copy SelectionCtrl + CCmd + Ctiles_editor/copy
Paste SelectionCtrl + VCmd + Vtiles_editor/paste
Delete SelectionDelCmd + BkSptiles_editor/delete
Flip HorizontallyCCtiles_editor/flip_tile_horizontal
Flip VerticallyVVtiles_editor/flip_tile_vertical
Rotate LeftZZtiles_editor/rotate_tile_left
Rotate RightXXtiles_editor/rotate_tile_right

Tileset Editor

Action nameWindows, LinuxmacOSEditor setting
Next CoordinatePgDownPgDowntileset_editor/next_shape
Previous CoordinatePgUpPgUptileset_editor/previous_shape
Region Mode11tileset_editor/editmode_region
Collision Mode22tileset_editor/editmode_collision
Occlusion Mode33tileset_editor/editmode_occlusion
Navigation Mode44tileset_editor/editmode_navigation
Bitmask Mode55tileset_editor/editmode_bitmask
Priority Mode66tileset_editor/editmode_priority
Icon Mode77tileset_editor/editmode_icon
Z Index Mode88tileset_editor/editmode_z_index