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Recording with microphone

Godot supports in-game audio recording for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.

A simple demo is included in the official demo projects and will be used as support for this tutorial:

You will need to enable audio input in the project settings Project Settings -> Audio -> Driver -> Enable Input, or you'll just get empty audio files.

The structure of the demo

The demo consists of a single scene. This scene includes two major parts: the GUI and the audio.

We will focus on the audio part. In this demo, a bus named Record with the effect Record is created to handle the audio recording. An AudioStreamPlayer named AudioStreamRecord is used for recording.

var effect
var recording

func _ready():
    # We get the index of the "Record" bus.
    var idx = AudioServer.get_bus_index("Record")
    # And use it to retrieve its first effect, which has been defined
    # as an "AudioEffectRecord" resource.
    effect = AudioServer.get_bus_effect(idx, 0)

The audio recording is handled by the AudioEffectRecord resource which has three methods: get_recording(), is_recording_active(), and set_recording_active().

func _on_record_button_pressed():
    if effect.is_recording_active():
        recording = effect.get_recording()
        $PlayButton.disabled = false
        $SaveButton.disabled = false
        $RecordButton.text = "Record"
        $Status.text = ""
        $PlayButton.disabled = true
        $SaveButton.disabled = true
        $RecordButton.text = "Stop"
        $Status.text = "Recording..."

At the start of the demo, the recording effect is not active. When the user presses the RecordButton, the effect is enabled with set_recording_active(true).

On the next button press, as effect.is_recording_active() is true, the recorded stream can be stored into the recording variable by calling effect.get_recording().

func _on_play_button_pressed():
    var data = recording.get_data()
    $ = recording

To playback the recording, you assign the recording as the stream of the AudioStreamPlayer and call play().

func _on_save_button_pressed():
    var save_path = $SaveButton/Filename.text
    $Status.text = "Saved WAV file to: %s\n(%s)" % [save_path, ProjectSettings.globalize_path(save_path)]

To save the recording, you call save_to_wav() with the path to a file. In this demo, the path is defined by the user via a LineEdit input box.