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Particle shaders

Particle shaders are a special type of shader that runs before the object is drawn. They are used for calculating material properties such as color, position, and rotation. They are drawn with any regular material for CanvasItem or Spatial, depending on whether they are 2D or 3D.

Particle shaders are unique because they are not used to draw the object itself; they are used to calculate particle properties, which are then used by a CanvasItem or Spatial shader. They contain two processor functions: start() and process().

Unlike other shader types, particle shaders keep the data that was output the previous frame. Therefore, particle shaders can be used for complex effects that take place over multiple frames.


Particle shaders are only available with GPU-based particle nodes (GPUParticles2D and GPUParticles3D).

CPU-based particle nodes (CPUParticles2D and CPUParticles3D) are rendered on the GPU (which means they can use custom CanvasItem or Spatial shaders), but their motion is simulated on the CPU.

Render modes

Render modeDescription
keep_dataDo not clear previous data on restart.
disable_forceDisable attractor force.
disable_velocityIgnore VELOCITY value.
collision_use_scaleScale the particle's size for collisions.


Values marked as "in" are read-only. Values marked as "out" are for optional writing and will not necessarily contain sensible values. Values marked as "inout" provide a sensible default value, and can optionally be written to. Samplers are not subjects of writing and they are not marked.

Global built-ins

Global built-ins are available everywhere, including custom functions.

in float TIMEGlobal time, in seconds.
in float PIA PI constant (3.141592). A ration of circle's circumference to its diameter and amount of radians in half turn.
in float TAUA TAU constant (6.283185). An equivalent of PI * 2 and amount of radians in full turn.
in float EAn E constant (2.718281). Euler's number and a base of the natural logarithm.

Start and Process built-ins

These properties can be accessed from both the start() and process() functions.

in float LIFETIMEParticle lifetime.
in float DELTADelta process time.
in uint NUMBERUnique number since emission start.
in uint INDEXParticle index (from total particles).
in mat4 EMISSION_TRANSFORMEmitter transform (used for non-local systems).
in uint RANDOM_SEEDRandom seed used as base for random.
inout bool ACTIVEtrue when the particle is active, can be set false.
inout vec4 COLORParticle color, can be written to and accessed in mesh's vertex function.
inout vec3 VELOCITYParticle velocity, can be modified.
inout mat4 TRANSFORMParticle transform.
inout vec4 CUSTOMCustom particle data. Accessible from shader of mesh as INSTANCE_CUSTOM.
inout float MASSParticle mass, intended to be used with attractors. Equals 1.0 by default.
in vec4 USERDATAXVector that enables the integration of supplementary user-defined data into the particle process shader. USERDATAX are six built-ins identified by number, X can be numbers between 1 and 6.
in uint FLAG_EMIT_POSITIONA flag for using on the last argument of emit_subparticle function to assign a position to a new particle's transform.
in uint FLAG_EMIT_ROT_SCALEA flag for using on the last argument of emit_subparticle function to assign the rotation and scale to a new particle's transform.
in uint FLAG_EMIT_VELOCITYA flag for using on the last argument of emit_subparticle function to assign a velocity to a new particle.
in uint FLAG_EMIT_COLORA flag for using on the last argument of emit_subparticle function to assign a color to a new particle.
in uint FLAG_EMIT_CUSTOMA flag for using on the last argument of emit_subparticle function to assign a custom data vector to a new particle.
in vec3 EMITTER_VELOCITYVelocity of the Particles node.
in float INTERPOLATE_TO_ENDValue of interp_to_end property of Particles node.
in uint AMOUNT_RATIOValue of amount_ratio property of Particles node.


In order to use the COLOR variable in a StandardMaterial3D, set vertex_color_use_as_albedo to true. In a ShaderMaterial, access it with the COLOR variable.

Start built-ins

in bool RESTART_POSITIONtrue if particle is restarted, or emitted without a custom position (i.e. this particle was created by emit_subparticle() without the FLAG_EMIT_POSITION flag).
in bool RESTART_ROT_SCALEtrue if particle is restarted, or emitted without a custom rotation or scale (i.e. this particle was created by emit_subparticle() without the FLAG_EMIT_ROT_SCALE flag).
in bool RESTART_VELOCITYtrue if particle is restarted, or emitted without a custom velocity (i.e. this particle was created by emit_subparticle() without the FLAG_EMIT_VELOCITY flag).
in bool RESTART_COLORtrue if particle is restarted, or emitted without a custom color (i.e. this particle was created by emit_subparticle() without the FLAG_EMIT_COLOR flag).
in bool RESTART_CUSTOMtrue if particle is restarted, or emitted without a custom property (i.e. this particle was created by emit_subparticle() without the FLAG_EMIT_CUSTOM flag).

Process built-ins

in bool RESTARTtrue if the current process frame is first for the particle.
in bool COLLIDEDtrue when the particle has collided with a particle collider.
in vec3 COLLISION_NORMALA normal of the last collision. If there is no collision detected it is equal to vec3(0.0).
in float COLLISION_DEPTHA length of normal of the last collision. If there is no collision detected it is equal to 0.0.
in vec3 ATTRACTOR_FORCEA combined force of the attractors at the moment on that particle.

Process functions

emit_subparticle is currently the only custom function supported by particles shaders. It allows users to add a new particle with specified parameters from a sub-emitter. The newly created particle will only use the properties that match the flags parameter. For example, the following code will emit a particle with a specified position, velocity, and color, but unspecified rotation, scale, and custom value:

mat4 custom_transform = mat4(1.0);
custom_transform[3].xyz = vec3(10.5, 0.0, 4.0);
emit_subparticle(custom_transform, vec3(1.0, 0.5, 1.0), vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), vec4(1.0), FLAG_EMIT_POSITION | FLAG_EMIT_VELOCITY | FLAG_EMIT_COLOR);
bool emit_subparticle (mat4 xform, vec3 velocity, vec4 color, vec4 custom, uint flags)Emits a particle from a sub-emitter.